Beethoven Marathon in Antwerp
On 8 December 2019 Le Concert Olympique has opened the Beethoven year (in commemoration of his 250th birthday) with an exceptional concert at deSingel in Antwerp. On this day, a reconstruction was presented of the concert organised by Beethoven himself at the Burgtheater (the Imperial Court Theatre) in Vienna on 2 April 1800. This concert is considered ‘iconic’ because it meant Beethoven’s breakthrough as a composer in Vienna, while simultaneously establishing his reputation as an innovative composer. On that very evening, Beethoven set new standards in the field of orchestral music: both the First Symphony and his First Piano Concerto, which were given their very first public performance at this concert, were considered to be completely novel works by the critics and comprise a pivotal movement in the history of music. What is remarkable is that Beethoven made a statement by putting only works by the two greatest composers of this era (Haydn and Mozart) on the programme in addition to his own work.
It was the first time that this iconic Beethoven concert was reconstructed in Belgium. The exceptional character of this event was not only determined by its significance in terms of content, but also its unusual length, on account of which it does not fit into a standard concert format. It was therefore a music marathon that was given the semblance of a ‘happening’ rather than a concert due to the huge variety of performers and ensembles, and the unusual spacing of the intervals. This concert therefore provided a unique opportunity with which to kick off the Beethoven year in a festive manner. It was therefore no coincidence that this happening opened with a festive speech by conductor Jan Caeyers, one of the greatest experts on Beethoven in the world today.
This is the sequence of the works performed on 2 April 1800!
4 PM:
W.A. MOZART: Symphony nr 39 in E flat major, KV543
J.Haydn: Aria ‘Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün‘ (Die Schöpfung)
L. VAN Beethoven: Concerto for piano nr 1 in C major, opus 15
5.30 PM | pause
5.50 PM:
L. VAN BEETHOVEN: Septet in E flat major, opus 20
6.35 PM | pause
8 PM:
J. Haydn: Duet ‘Holde Gattin, dir zur Seite‘ (Die Schöpfung)
L. VAN Beethoven: Sonate for piano in C minor, opus 13 ‘Pathétique’
L. VAN BEETHOVEN: Symphony nr 1 in C major, opus 21
Soloist: Kristiaan Bezuidenhout, piano
Call for peace - Ninth Symphony
On 13 May 2024 in Antwerp, Le Concert Olympique, pianist Kit Armstrong and the Arnold Schoenberg Choir will perform Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in the Elisabethzaal in Antwerp. The official opening concert of Beethoven27, dedicated to a European 'Call for peace'.
Young Composers with Kit Armstrong
Le Concert Olympique programmed three concerts in January 2023 (Antwerp 27/1 - Hasselt 28/1 - Leuven 29/1) with the American wonderboy and pianist Kit Armstrong.
Last works of great composers
In november 2021 Jan Caeyers and Le Concert Olympique presented the 'last works' of Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven. Concerts in Belgium and Germany.
Beethoven Intimate Concert
During this production in november 2021 two chamber music arrangements of well-known Beethoven pieces were presented to the audience in Leuven and Düsseldorf.
Cancellations concerts
Due to the extension of the measures about COVID-19 all concerts from April 2020 until September 2021 have been canceled. We will postpone our productions to a later date.
Premiere of new Ninth Symphony
In March 2020 Le Concert Olympique and Jan Caeyers had the great honor of performing the world premiere of the restored version of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in Belgium.
Beethoven and his immortal beloved
Beethoven and his Immortal Beloved, a narrative by Jan Caeyers embellished with fragments from well-known sonatas (Pathétique, Mondschein, Appassionata), performed by Piet Kuijken.
Beethoven and his idols
This production in September 2019 placed the work of Beethoven in the perspective of two composers who he admired: Cherubini and Mozart. The soloist was the young pianist Mariam Batsashvili.
Concert Tour with Melnikov
Central to the concert tour of February 2019 are two works by Beethoven that are closely related: the Fourth Piano Concerto and the Fifth Symphony. Soloist is the world-renowned pianist Melnikov.
Stage Monologue & Septet
In November 2018 Jan Caeyers narrated seven scintillating stories about Beethoven. This stage monologue was musically interwoven with fragments from Beethoven’s Septet in E-flat major op. 20.
Beethoven's Missa Solemnis
In november 2018 Le Concert Olympique performed Beethoven's Missa Solemnis in Berlin, in the presence of King Philip and Queen Mathilde, and a number of German dignitaries.
Third Symphony & Piano Concerto
Between the overture and Beethoven’s Third Symphony French top-class pianist François-Frédéric Guy plays Beethoven’s First Piano Concerto. This concert was programmed in April 2018.
Beethoven & Brahms
In February 2017, the world-famous violinist Viktoria Mullova played the immortally beautiful Violin Concerto in D by Brahms with Le Concert Olympique, conducted by Jan Caeyers.
Curator Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Jan Caeyers was appointed curator at the Stiftung Beethoven-Haus Bonn on 20 May 2016. The main aim is to support the Beethoven-Haus Bonn in particular and the Beethoven culture in the broadest sense.
Violin Concerto with Eberle
In January 2016 Le Concert Olympique performed the Violin Concerto from Mendelssohn with the young and talented violinist Veronika Eberle.
Beethoven's Piano Concerti
After the successful tour with famous Beethoven pianist Till Fellner, the idea began to grow to organise a communal Beethoven cycle, spread out over 3 productions and 3 concert seasons.
Beethoven evening in Bonn
On 1 September 2015, Jan Caeyers gave a lecture on Beethoven’s work at the behest of the German Federal President Joachim Gauck in his residence in Bonn.
Concert: Magical Mass in C Major
A milestone in the orchestra’s existence was the performance in 2015 in Antwerp and Bruges of Beethoven’s Mass in C Major with the world-renowned Arnold Schoenberg Choir from Vienna.
Concert: Eroica
In February 2015, Le Concert Olympique performed Beethoven's Symphony No. 3, the so-called Eroica. The soloist was the former Queen Elisabeth winner Frank Braley.
Contract with Karsten Witt
In 2015 Le Concert Olympique has reached an agreement with the renowned Berlin management agency Karsten Witt Musik Management that will from now on represent the orchestra worldwide.
Concert: A different Mozart
In November 2014, Le Concert Olympique performed Mozart's Clarinet Concerto, framed by Beethoven Symphonies Nr.1 and Nr.8 in Leuven, Hasselt, Antwerp and Rotterdam.
Award The Gulden Spoor
The 10th of July 2014, Jan Caeyers was awarded the Gulden Spoor for Cultural Élan in Bruges (Belgium), an award for people who have left a memorable stamp on in Flemish cultural life.
Mozart & Beethoven in Prague
In March 2014, Le Concert Olympique performed a series of concerts called ‘Mozart and Beethoven in Prague’ with soloists Lenneke Ruiten (soprano) and François-Frédéric Guy (piano).
Beethoven book release in Vienna
Jan Caeyers presented the German translation of his book to a selected audience of Beethoven experts and enthusiasts in the Palais Lobkowitz in Vienna.
Full house in Musikverein Vienna
On 26 November 2013, Le Concert Olympique performed to a full house in the world-renowned Musikverein in Vienna. The soloist was the Israeli pianist Boris Giltburg.